Generate more than a 100 ideas in minutes along with ChatGPT 

Are you tired of the same boring ideas? Learn how to generate fresh and creative ideas with this question-driven brainstorming technique.

The Prompt

You can copy this prompt in the upper-right corner.

					Brainstorm ideas for a {product or service}. You will ask yourself {number} of question that should generate more ideas and you will answer to these questions
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    Generate Winning Ideas with ChatGPT's Question-Driven Brainstorming

    In a world where innovation is the driving force behind business success, the ability to generate unique and valuable ideas is more critical than ever. Enter ChatGPT’s Question-Driven Brainstorming, a revolutionary method that allows individuals and teams to harness the power of artificial intelligence to create winning ideas. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of leveraging ChatGPT’s unparalleled capabilities to enhance your brainstorming sessions and supercharge your creative thinking.

    The heart of this innovative process is the transformation of traditional brainstorming through the integration of AI. By asking targeted questions and receiving insightful answers, you’ll find yourself uncovering previously hidden avenues for your product or service. No longer will you be limited by the confines of your own thinking—ChatGPT offers you an expansive and intelligent partner to push the boundaries of what’s possible. With each new question and answer, you’ll uncover fresh perspectives, allowing you to refine and iterate upon your initial concepts until you reach a truly extraordinary outcome.

    But how can a machine truly understand the complexities of human creativity? This is where the genius of ChatGPT’s training comes into play. Built upon the foundation of an advanced language model, ChatGPT is able to understand context, make connections, and provide nuanced answers that would otherwise be out of reach for traditional brainstorming methods. This article will delve into the details of how ChatGPT works, the psychology of question-driven brainstorming, and the practical steps you can take to make this powerful tool an integral part of your ideation process.

    To better understand how to use ChatGPT’s Question-Driven Brainstorming in different scenarios, consider the following prompt: “Brainstorm ideas for a {product or service}. You will ask yourself {number} of questions that should generate more ideas and you will answer these questions.” This prompt can be used in a wide variety of situations, such as when you are trying to develop a new marketing campaign, design a new product, improve customer service, or even create a more efficient workflow for your team. By providing specific details and adjusting the number of questions to your needs, you can tailor the brainstorming session to your unique goals and circumstances, opening up a world of creative possibilities.

    ChatGPT Prompt Brainstorm ideas for a {restaurant}. You will ask yourself {10} questions that should generate more ideas and you will answer to these questions.

    Prompt Variables

    How to modify the prompt? See examples of how to change the variables between curly brackets

    Variable Description Examples Complete prompt with example
    product or service The item or offering that needs ideas generated for. App, restaurant, cleaning service Brainstorm ideas for a {restaurant}. You will ask yourself {10} questions that should generate more ideas and you will answer to these questions.
    number The amount of questions that will be asked to generate ideas. 5, 20, 50 Brainstorm ideas for a {product}. You will ask yourself {20} questions that should generate more ideas and you will answer to these questions.

    Prompt use scenarios

    Here are 5 examples of different situations, where this ChatGPT prompt could be useful.

    Product Development

    Brainstorming ideas for a new product or service. You will ask yourself 10 questions that should generate more ideas and you will answer to these questions.

    Marketing Campaign

    Brainstorming ideas for a new marketing campaign. You will ask yourself 5 questions that should generate more ideas and you will answer to these questions.

    Content Creation

    Brainstorming ideas for a new blog post or video. You will ask yourself 7 questions that should generate more ideas and you will answer to these questions.

    Event Planning

    Brainstorming ideas for a new event. You will ask yourself 8 questions that should generate more ideas and you will answer to these questions.

    Business Strategy

    Brainstorming ideas for a new business strategy. You will ask yourself 12 questions that should generate more ideas and you will answer to these questions.

    Additional variables ideas for this prompt

    You can improve this ChatGPT prompt by using the following variables.

    Variable Description Examples Prompt variation
    {Target audience} The specific group of people the product or service is intended for. Teenagers, working moms, retirees Brainstorm ideas for a {product or service} that would appeal to {target audience}. You will ask yourself {number} of question that should generate more ideas and you will answer to these questions.
    {Unique selling proposition} The unique feature or benefit that sets the product or service apart from competitors. Eco-friendly, customizable, affordable Brainstorm ideas for a {product or service} with a {unique selling proposition}. You will ask yourself {number} of question that should generate more ideas and you will answer to these questions.
    {Brand personality} The set of human characteristics associated with the brand. Innovative, trustworthy, fun Brainstorm ideas for a {product or service} that reflects the {brand personality}. You will ask yourself {number} of question that should generate more ideas and you will answer to these questions.
    {Geographic location} The specific area or region where the product or service will be marketed. Urban, rural, coastal Brainstorm ideas for a {product or service} that is tailored to the {geographic location}. You will ask yourself {number} of question that should generate more ideas and you will answer to these questions.
    {Current trends} The latest popular styles or ideas in the industry. Sustainability, minimalism, virtual reality Brainstorm ideas for a {product or service} that incorporates {current trends}. You will ask yourself {number} of question that should generate more ideas and you will answer to these questions.

    Let’s try the Unique Selling Proposition variable by adding an Eco-friendly aspect to our restaurant idea. You will notice that now we get a more detailed answer. This type of prompt interaction, it’s called Incremental prompts. Here are the results:

    ChatGPT Prompt Brainstorm ideas for a Eco-friendly restaurant. You will ask yourself 10 questions that should generate more ideas and you will answer to these questions.

    Conversation continuity

    By utilizing the following 5 prompts, you can improve your idea generation process.

    					What would be the cost involved in pursuing {brainstormed idea}?
    					What other ideas can you give me about {brainstormed idea}
    					Tell me what ideas could turn wrong for the business
    					What are the top 3 ideas I should focus on?
    					What idea would improve my value proposition?

    Keeping costs controlled is important for every business, let’s try the following prompt: 

    “What would be the cost involved in pursuing {brainstormed idea}?” 

    Now, let’s try it out and see what results we get.

    Attributes of the Prompt

    From this ChatGPT prompt, we can learn several things that can be used in other contexts:


    The prompt is clear in its instructions and expectations.


    The prompt is specific in its request for ten long-tail keywords related to a given topic.


    The prompt provides context by specifying the need for long-tail keywords related to a particular topic.


    The tone of the prompt is professional and straightforward.


    The style of the prompt is concise and to the point.

    Open-ended vs Closed-ended

    The prompt is closed-ended, as it specifies a particular task to be completed.

    InstructGPT words

    The prompt contains instructive words, such as “”compile”” and “”related to.””

    Overall, the attributes of this prompt make it useful in a variety of contexts. Its clarity and specificity make it ideal for use in academic or professional settings, where clear instructions are necessary. Its tone and style make it appropriate for use in a variety of industries, from marketing to research. Its closed-ended nature and instructive words make it useful for tasks that require specific outcomes, such as compiling a list of keywords.

    Issues you can face when using this prompt in ChatGPT

    As an AI language model, ChatGPT is designed to assist users in generating ideas and answering questions. However, there are some potential issues that users may face when using this prompt. Here are some of them:

    Lack of context: The prompt is quite generic and does not provide any specific information about the product or service that the user wants to brainstorm ideas for. This can make it difficult for the AI to generate relevant and useful ideas.

    Limited creativity: While the AI can generate a large number of ideas based on the questions asked, it may not always be able to come up with truly innovative or creative ideas. This is because the AI is limited by the data it has been trained on and may not be able to think outside the box.

    Difficulty in refining ideas: The prompt does not provide any guidance on how to refine or evaluate the ideas generated by the AI. This can make it challenging for users to select the best ideas and turn them into actionable plans.

    Language barriers: ChatGPT is an English language model, which means that users who are not fluent in English may have difficulty using the prompt effectively. The AI may also struggle to understand non-standard English or regional dialects.

    Privacy concerns: As with any AI-powered tool, there may be concerns about data privacy and security when using ChatGPT. Users should be aware of the risks and take appropriate precautions to protect their personal information.

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