The Ultimate Sales Tool: Crafting a Persuasive Text with ChatGPT

Craft a Winning Sales Pitch with ChatGPT's Ultimate Sales Tool!

The Prompt

You can copy this prompt in the upper-right corner.

					I'm looking for a {type of text} that will clearly explain the features and benefits of my {product/service} to {ideal customer persona} and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action.
Table of Contents
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    The Perfect Pitch: Convincing Your Ideal Customer to Buy

    Imagine a world where your sales copy is composed with the precision of a master wordsmith, effortlessly weaving together persuasive narratives that tap into the emotions and desires of your target audience. In this brave new world, writer’s block is a thing of the past, and the perfect turn of phrase is always at your fingertips. Welcome to the era of ChatGPT, the AI-powered language model that has revolutionized the way businesses craft their sales messages, catapulting them to unprecedented heights of success. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the secrets behind this cutting-edge technology and reveal how you can harness its immense power to transform your sales strategy and drive your bottom line to new heights.

    As the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” but when it comes to the art of selling, the right words can be priceless. Long gone are the days when businesses relied solely on flashy graphics and eye-catching visuals to capture the attention of potential customers. In today’s increasingly competitive market, the key to securing the loyalty of your ideal customer persona lies in the subtle, yet potent, art of persuasion. ChatGPT, the latest offering from OpenAI, takes the guesswork out of crafting compelling sales messages, arming you with the ultimate tool for seduction: language. By intelligently analyzing your product or service, ChatGPT crafts texts that not only highlight its most enticing features and benefits but also resonate deeply with your target audience’s needs and desires, all while retaining an authentic and engaging voice.

    But what truly sets ChatGPT apart from other AI language models is its unparalleled versatility. Whether you’re a startup entrepreneur looking to attract investors, an e-commerce merchant seeking to boost your conversion rate, or a seasoned marketing professional aiming to revamp your brand’s image, ChatGPT is the secret weapon you need to succeed. Through its unique understanding of human emotions, motivations, and decision-making processes, ChatGPT crafts sales messages that speak directly to the heart of your audience, igniting a fire of desire that compels them to take action. In the following pages, you’ll discover the science behind this groundbreaking technology, as well as practical tips and strategies for making the most of ChatGPT’s transformative power in your own sales endeavors.

    In various situations, you might want to use the following ChatGPT prompt: “I’m looking for a {type of text} that will clearly explain the features and benefits of my {product/service} to {ideal customer persona} and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action.” This prompt is versatile enough to accommodate a wide range of contexts. For instance, if you’re launching a new software solution for small businesses, you could use this prompt to generate persuasive texts for your website, email campaigns, or social media ads. Alternatively, if you’re a freelance consultant seeking to expand your client base, this prompt could help you craft a compelling LinkedIn article that showcases your expertise and the value of your services. Regardless of your specific needs, this prompt serves as a powerful starting point for generating persuasive sales copy tailored to your unique product or service and target audience, ultimately increasing the likelihood of conversion and boosting your revenue.

    ChatGPT Prompt: I'm looking for a BLOG POST that will clearly explain the features and benefits of my NOTE TAKING SOFTWARE with SUCCESS STORIES from satisfied customers to YOUNG PROFESSIONALS and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action.

    Prompt Variables

    How to modify the prompt? See examples of how to change the variables between curly brackets

    Variable Description Examples Complete prompt with example
    type of text The type of content or document being created blog post, brochure, video script I'm looking for a blog post that will clearly explain the features and benefits of my new fitness app to health-conscious millennials and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action.
    product/service The specific item or service being marketed software, consulting services, clothing line I'm looking for a video script that will clearly explain the features and benefits of my new software program to small business owners and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action.
    ideal customer persona The target audience or demographic for the product or service young professionals, stay-at-home parents, retirees I'm looking for a brochure that will clearly explain the features and benefits of my home cleaning services to busy working parents and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action.

    Prompt use scenarios

    Here are 5 examples of different situations, where this ChatGPT prompt could be useful.


    A website owner who wants to create a landing page that will convince potential customers to buy their product or service.

    Sales pitch

    A salesperson who needs to create a presentation that will clearly explain the features and benefits of their product or service to a potential customer and persuade them to make a purchase.

    Social media advertising

    A business owner who wants to create a social media ad that will clearly explain the features and benefits of their product or service to their ideal customer persona and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action.

    Email marketing

    A marketer who wants to create an email campaign that will convince subscribers to buy their product or service by clearly explaining its features and benefits and including a strong call-to-action.

    Product launch

    A company that is launching a new product and wants to create marketing materials that will clearly explain the features and benefits of the product to their ideal customer persona and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action.

    Additional variables ideas for this prompt

    You can improve this ChatGPT prompt by using the following variables.

    Variable Description Examples Prompt Variation
    {Industry} The industry the product/service belongs to Technology, Healthcare, Finance I'm looking for a {type of text} that will clearly explain the features and benefits of my {product/service} in the {industry} industry to {ideal customer persona} and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action.
    {Unique Selling Proposition} The unique selling point of the product/service High quality, Affordable, Innovative I'm looking for a {type of text} that will clearly explain the {unique selling proposition} of my {product/service} to {ideal customer persona} and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action.
    {Competitor Analysis} The analysis of competitors in the market Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities I'm looking for a {type of text} that will clearly explain the features and benefits of my {product/service} compared to my competitors' {competitor analysis} to {ideal customer persona} and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action.
    {Testimonials} Customer testimonials or reviews Positive feedback, Success stories, Ratings I'm looking for a {type of text} that will clearly explain the features and benefits of my {product/service} with {testimonials} from satisfied customers to {ideal customer persona} and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action.
    {Guarantee} The guarantee or warranty offered with the product/service Money-back guarantee, Lifetime warranty, Satisfaction guarantee I'm looking for a {type of text} that will clearly explain the features and benefits of my {product/service} with a {guarantee} to {ideal customer persona} and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action.

    Let’s try the testimonial variable by adding success stories for our Note-Taking Software. You will notice that now we get a more detailed answer. This type of prompt interaction, it’s called Incremental prompts. Here are the results:

    Prompt: I'm looking for a BLOG POST that will clearly explain the features and benefits of my NOTE TAKING SOFTWARE with SUCCESS STORIES from satisfied customers to YOUNG PROFESSIONALS and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action.

    This was a long response…

    I’m scrolling to the end.

    Conversation continuity

    By utilizing the following 5 prompts, you can effortlessly guide the conversation while ensuring that ChatGPT stays focused on the subject at hand.
    					Can you tell me more about the ideal customer persona and what kind of language they respond to?
    					What specific features and benefits should be highlighted in the {type of text}? Let's brainstorm some ways to make them stand out.
    					Let's incorporate some customer testimonials or case studies into the {type of text}. They can be very persuasive for potential customers.
    					What kind of call-to-action are you thinking of including? Let's make sure it's clear and compelling.
    					How do you recommend on distributing the text to reach the target audience? Let's discuss some strategies for getting it in front of the right people.

    I like this prompt idea: 

    “Can you tell me more about the ideal customer persona and what kind of language they respond to?” 

    Now, let’s try it out and see what results we get.

    Attributes of the Prompt

    From this ChatGPT prompt, we can learn several things that can be used in other contexts:


    The prompt is clear in its instructions and expectations.


    The prompt is specific in its request for ten long-tail keywords related to a given topic.


    The prompt provides context by specifying the need for long-tail keywords related to a particular topic.


    The tone of the prompt is professional and straightforward.


    The style of the prompt is concise and to the point.

    Open-ended vs Closed-ended

    The prompt is closed-ended, as it specifies a particular task to be completed.

    InstructGPT words

    The prompt contains instructive words, such as “”compile”” and “”related to.””

    Overall, the attributes of this prompt make it useful in a variety of contexts. Its clarity and specificity make it ideal for use in academic or professional settings, where clear instructions are necessary. Its tone and style make it appropriate for use in a variety of industries, from marketing to research. Its closed-ended nature and instructive words make it useful for tasks that require specific outcomes, such as compiling a list of keywords.”

    Issues you can face when using this prompt in ChatGPT

    As an AI language model, ChatGPT is designed to assist users in generating text based on their input. However, there are certain issues that users may face when using this prompt in ChatGPT. Some of these issues include:

    • Lack of specificity: The prompt is quite general and does not provide specific details about the type of text, product/service, or ideal customer persona. This can make it difficult for ChatGPT to generate a relevant and effective response.
    • Ambiguity in language: The prompt uses language that is open to interpretation, such as “clearly explain” and “strong call-to-action.” This can lead to confusion and inconsistencies in the generated text.
    • Limited understanding of product/service: ChatGPT may not have a comprehensive understanding of the product or service being promoted, which can result in inaccurate or irrelevant information being generated.
    • Inability to personalize: ChatGPT may not be able to personalize the generated text to the specific needs and preferences of the user or their target audience.
    • Lack of context: The prompt does not provide any context about the purpose or context of the text being generated, which can make it difficult for ChatGPT to generate a relevant and effective response.

    Overall, while ChatGPT can be a useful tool for generating text, users should be aware of these potential issues and take steps to provide clear and specific input to ensure the best possible results.

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